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X-Pando Pipe Joint Compound
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Certifications and Approvals
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.®

Meets UL Standards for performance in sealing joints of threaded metal pipe tight against leakage. For use in devices handling gasoline, petroleum oils, natural gas (pressure not over 300 psig) and butane not exceeding 2 in. pipe size.  

Certified by Underwriters Laboratory Inc.® to NSF/ANSI 61 for drinking water. Also certified to NSF/ANSI 372 (formerly known as Annex G) as to lead content.

VOC content – 3.718 micrograms/Liter (non detect).

NASA On approved list for liquid oxygen compatibility
Oxygen Compatability Source Book Approved as a thread sealant for oxygen
Department of Health & Human Services, Food and Drug Administration Approved as a pipe sealant
United States Department of Agriculture Acceptable as a pipe joint compound in official establishments operating under the Federal meat and poultry products inspection program.

Contract Numbers
Mil Spec
United States Army
United States Navy
New York City