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X-Pandotite Special Glass Formula
Frequently Asked Questions


  • How do I use X-Pandotite Special Glass Formula?
  • Does X-Pandotite Special Glass set up quickly?
  • What is the "pot life" or workability time of X-Pandotite Special Glass?
  • What is the shelf life of X-Pandotite Special Glass?
  • Can I use X-Pandotite Special Glass on unanodized aluminum?
  • Is X-Pandotite Special Glass non-toxic?
  • Can X-Pandotite Special Glass be colored?
  • Can X-Pandotite Special Glass be drilled or ground?
  • How strong is X-Pandotite Special Glass?
  • How is X-Pandotite Special Glass used in the ceramic industry?

    1. How do I use X-Pandotite Special Glass Formula?

    2. X-Pandotite Special Glass is a dry powder and must be mixed with clean water at about a four parts powder to one part water ratio before using. A consistency similar to heavy paste is appropriate for troweling: thin slightly for pouring. Thoroughly clean out and WET THE SURFACES OF THE SPACE TO BE FILLED. The water you add to X-Pandotite Special Glass is very important to the eventual set up of the product, and care should be taken to prevent the loss of this water through absorption by porous surfaces. Positive expansion takes place only when porous surfaces are saturated with water or sealed with paint or shellac.

      Apply X-Pandotite Special Glass and allow to harden. Pack or pour the mixture deeply into the space where applied. In order for the expansion to be fully effective, the product must have a surface to expand against.

    3. Does X-Pandotite Special Glass set up quickly?

    4. X-Pandotite Special Glass is not a quick setting cement. Allow to set hard before exposing to water. X-Pandotite Special Glass will actually shrink minutely in the first few hours of setting. After that period of time, the material begins to EXPAND at a fairly constant rate through 72 hours. The expansion curve flattens off after this. However, the X-Pandotite Special Glass does continue to expand for at least 2 weeks. There is no shrinkage after this point, as there is in the case of conventional cements.

    5. What is the "pot life" or workability time of X-Pandotite Special Glass?

    6. Depending on your own personal preference on the water to powder mixing ratio, a batch should be workable for 1 ½ to 2 hours. The material hardens as the water evaporates; therefore, the thinner or more liquid the solution, the longer the working life of the mix. A slightly thinner mix will not alter the expansion or hardening qualities of X-Pandotite Special Glass, but it will take longer to set up. Do NOT add water to an existing mix - rather, make up a new batch.

    7. What is the shelf life of X-Pandotite Special Glass?

    8. If you follow the directions on our containers and KEEP THE COVERS OF THE CONTAINERS CLOSED TIGHTLY and avoid exposing the material to moisture, the material will last indefinitely.

    9. Can I use X-Pandotite Special Glass on unanodized aluminum?

    10. Yes, you can, but be aware that the X-Pandotite Special Glass material will cause the aluminum to discolor. If this is not an issue in your application, the product will perform as usual.

    11. Is X-Pandotite Special Glass non-toxic?

    12. YES!!! X-Pandotite Special Glass does not contain any lead, asbestos, teflon, or harmful carcinogens.

    13. Can X-Pandotite Special Glass be colored?

    14. Yes! After mixing with water, any desired shade can be matched by adding dry powder colors. After hardening, the material can be painted or will take a penetrating stain.

    15. Can X-Pandotite Special Glass be drilled or ground?

    16. Yes! X-Pandotite Special Glass, after hardening fully, can be drilled and tapped or ground and polished.

    17. How strong is X-Pandotite Special Glass?

    18. X-Pandotite Special Glass has been tested for flexural and anchoring strength. This was done in an Atlas-Weather-Ometer. The material was put through a 10 cycle exposure test: three or four cycles per week at 140°F, followed by water immersions, followed by freezing at -30°F. X-Pandotite Special Glass was found, on the average, IMPROVED in strength of anchoring, as compared to material left at room temperatures for six weeks.

    19. How is X-Pandotite Special Glass used in the ceramic industry?

    20. It has been used very successfully to cement or bond steatite and alumina pieces into fully assembled units and in ceramic to metal seals.